Composed of fine threads pulled taut between two aluminium rings, Array is an exploration of light, space and materiality. Designer Umut Yamac manipulates layers of thread into majestic, three-dimensional volumes that shimmer overhead, enveloping rather than invading the space they occupy.
“Array was a project about exploring chord, the potential of thread and what you could do with it. And it was also looking at tension and how you could use tension to create spatial frames with light.”

Delicate enough to let light pass through yet dense enough to take on three-dimensional form, Array achieves a sense of extreme visual lightness. The collection presents a variety of large-scale silhouettes that can be combined together to form a compelling installation.
“I think that sort of slight, sort of mystery to it. I hope Array gives people a bit of pleasure within their space. I think we could all do an extra sort of pleasure in our spaces.”

The spacing distribution of the threads creates translucency and volume, whilst the layering effect gives the illusion of movement. Translucency is the key: despite the large volumes, Array doesn’t feel to overpowering the space.