Increasingly the boundaries between the virtual and the real, the digital and the physical are being eroded through design.
Array is an exploration of thread and its potential to create lightweight and dynamic sculptures of light.
Discover ArrayComposed of an array of fine threads pulled taut between two rings, the collection presents a variety of conical and cylindrical silhouettes that can be combined to form a compelling installation.
Array makes a striking statement for a variety of commercial and residential spaces. The collection incorporates two different heights in various shapes, the largest of which extends to over 6 feet in height and 49 inches in diameter.
From Project Support to Usage
From design and composition to installation and user interaction, Vibia’s team is prepared to help you with any project or technical need you might have. Creating scenes of well-being requires guidance and support throughout the entire design process.
The edit
Discover tips, styles and concepts that inspire and inform. We’ll share projects and insights from renowned international designers, provide lighting solutions for every situation, and keep you up to date on the latest design news and events.
About us
Vibia exists to create beautiful atmospheres, using lighting design to generate meaningful responses that have a positive impact on well-being of every single person.
We put people at the centre of everything we do: their feelings, their desires and ultimately their well-being. Elegant, sensual and universal, Vibia speaks a language of emotion that connects us with the world.