Visual Hierarchies: Creating a Synthesis of Atmospheres with Plusminus

Visual hierarchy significantly influences our experience of an interior. It draws your eye to certain architectural characteristics, decorative elements, activities, objects or scenarios within a space. When employed strategically, visual hierarchy will attract our eye to the whole composition and then lead us to various “focus points” by creating different levels of priority.

To create a visual hierarchy, an interior designer must consider how the human brain perceives visual cues and the influence they have on our emotional response to a space. We tend to notice large elements and bright colours before smaller objects or muted tones. Spacious interiors direct our focus towards individual elements, whereas clutter typically confuses the eye.

Repetition and symmetry create harmony, whereas contrasts stand out. Light also plays a fundamental role in creating visual hierarchy. It can be used to direct the gaze and enhance particular aspects of a space and its objects.